Servicios educativos:
Empoderando a las personas y la comunidad a través de la alfabetización y el lenguaje.
Communicate is a literacy program that teaches adults to understand, speak, read, and write in English, improving their lives and strengthening their communities.
Communicate helps address employment needs and widens the road to social stability by providing low-literate adults with access to educational opportunities that will secure their future.
Educación Virtual ESL
Las clases para adultos se ofrecen virtualmente en segmentos del programa durante 12 semanas continuas.
¡Cada alumno adulto es evaluado a través de una prueba de nivel en línea y luego asignado a un “Aula virtual nivelada en inglés” donde el individuo puede continuar su educación desde la comodidad de su hogar!
Horario general:
Sesión de primavera: febrero a mayo
Sesión de verano: de junio a agosto
Sesión de otoño: de septiembre a diciembre
Nota: Cada sesión tendrá una duración de 12 semanas. Las clases se presentarán dos veces por semana a través del programa ZOOM y cada clase tendrá una duración de 1:30 horas.
A Night at the Museum!
Teachers and Students of “Verano al CIEN” Met at the Dallas Museum of Art for a Night of Learning and Fun.
The Dallas Museum of Arts hosted a night of conversational interventions for our summer school program called “Verano al CIEN.” SEE MORE
Make a Difference.
Support Low-Income Students.
Please, Donate.
Some adults and young adults participating in our programs can do so because people like you made it possible. Some can hardly make ends meet to support themselves or their families. But still, they have a dream and a passion for pursuing their dream.
Better language skills will open the doors for more significant opportunities. By sponsoring our students and our program, you empower them for a better tomorrow. Thank you, and God Bless.
Backpacking for a Cause
Participants in our summer program "Verano al CIEN" prepared school backpacks to distribute to North Dallas boys and girls on Thursday, July 7th. SEE MORE