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Empowering the Community: Jubilee Park and Community Center Welcomes SRA Ministries

Mani Rubio

February 12, 2024.

In August 2023, East Dallas received an exciting surprise as Jubilee Park and Community Center opened its doors to welcome SRA Ministries along with English classes and a Citizenship Preparation Course.

In August 2023, Jubilee Park and Community Center in East Dallas welcomed SRA Ministries and its educational programs. Located at 917 Bank Street, this center began a new chapter, offering important resources to help people in the community learn and grow.

Julia Alessandra, who manages housing and workforce programs at Jubilee Park, said, "We're excited to have SRA Ministries here, providing valuable resources to our community. Our doors will now be open in the evenings for adult education and community activities."

SRA Ministries offers various educational programs at Jubilee Park, including basic English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, along with a Citizenship Preparation Course. Rev. Angel Del Rio, the CEO of SRA Ministries, explained that English teachers will also be available for extra help from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Their educational programs are divided into two semesters, allowing students to learn and progress steadily. After completing Level 1 English, students can move on to Level 2 and beyond. The Citizenship Preparation Course lasts 13 weeks and prepares participants for the citizenship test.

The partnership between Jubilee Park and SRA Ministries is a big step forward for the community. By offering accessible education and support, they hope to empower individuals and strengthen East Dallas.

Jubilee Park has always been a hub for community engagement, and with SRA Ministries' help, it's even better. Together, they're working towards a brighter future where everyone has opportunities to learn and succeed.

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