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Verano al CIEN! / Summer Blast 2024!

Mani Rubio


SRA Ministries' Summer Program returns for its third year, kicking off on June 4th at Jubilee Park and Community Center in South East Dallas. With over 50 adults enrolled, this year’s program promises engaging opportunities to enhance conversational language skills that include family-focused learning and exciting cultural outings.

SRA Ministries' Summer Program returns for its third year! Tuesday, June 4th, marked the opening night of our Summer Program for adults and families at Jubilee Park and Community Center in South East Dallas. This year, we have over 50 adults registered in three different offerings, all eager to improve their conversational language skills.

Mr. Edward Lopez, the Site Coordinator for our Summer Program, shared his excitement: "This year, I am the Site Coordinator for our Summer Program. I am happy to see new people enrolling in our summer offerings. It is a good feeling when I see how the community gets to trust our work and stop by to receive our services. Our founding motto is: At the end of the day, we are SRA Ministries, meaning that the work and the impact made on the community happens because of people who believe that this is possible and join forces to help us make this type of program."

Verano al CIEN/Summer Blast will last for the four weeks of June, from Tuesday through Thursday, 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Interested individuals and organizations are welcome to stop by, have a conversation with our staff and volunteers, and experience the work of SRA Ministries during the summer!

"This year, we are adding the 'family' element to our Summer Program. We will be able to provide children with leverage material that will help them succeed at school. Even more than succeeding at school, they will feel good about themselves because they are learning to communicate with others! So, what is new for us this year is to openly welcome the children into a safe learning environment where families learn together," mentioned Ms. Vee, Level 2 Summer Teacher and Director of the Summer Program.

The Summer Program will include a cultural element, with participants enjoying two evenings in Downtown Dallas, exploring sites and learning more about our city. The Graduation Ceremony is planned for Wednesday, June 26th, at 6:30 PM, at Jubilee Community Center.

We look forward to another successful summer of learning and community building!

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