Capital Campaign 2022

Mani Rubio
April 11, 2022
SR SRA Ministries has launched a capital campaign to help fund the rental of classrooms and offices for the Learning Center's pilot program, which includes ESL lessons.
This year's goal is to raise enough money to cover the cost of leasing the educational premises where English as a Second Language sessions are held. “We have the opportunity to rent office and classroom space at a reduced rate in front of us. We are very interested in attaining this objective because it will allow SRA Ministries to expand its services to the community," Eduardo Angulo, community outreach coordinator, explained.
"The current Learning Center is in the heart of the Uptown neighborhood. If we can sign a lease with the building, we'll be able to extend our service hours and begin offering additional services to the community, such as immigration consulting, citizenship preparation classes, job fairs, personal finance trainings, and a variety of other conferences and consulting services," said Reverend Angel Del Rio, president of SRA Ministries.
The goal of this Capital Campaign is to generate $10,000.00, which is the estimated operational budget for this pilot initiative of SRA Ministries' Learning Center.
You may donate by going to the gofundme page: